Details for this torrent 

Game Dev Tycoon
Games > PC
106.12 MB

game dev tycoon

Apr 29, 2013


Game Dev Tycoon
Start your own game development company and replay the history of gaming in this business simulation game. Start your business in a garage in the 80s. Research new technologies and create best selling games. Hire and train staff. Move into bigger offices and unlock secret labs. Become the leader of the market and gain worldwide fans.


    Start your own game development company in the 80s
    Design and create your own games
    Research new technologies
    Create your own custom game engine
    Move into bigger offices
    Forge a world-class development team
    Unlock secret labs
    Conduct industry changing products
    Unlock achievements 

Check out the website for more details:

Instructions: Run the installer

This is the legit full game version dated April 27th, 2013
Please buy the game if you enjoyed it.


This has level 2 piracy bankrupt fix?
If so, please let us know.
@Dorfff It doesn't, just buy the game, only 7% of the players legitimately bought the game anyways, so every sale helps.

This one is better.
Dorfff yes this is the original version without the anti piracy bug
Is this with the piracy bug fix? I'm going to pirate this shit like I do with every game in the past 10 years, so you can fuck right off with your moralist shit.
fake, it's his only upload.

lords by your logic every torrent ever made would be "fake". everyone starts with their first upload. don't bother posting bs unless you tested. This is my only upload because I wanted to download the game, saw there wasn't any on TPB so I bought it instead and posted it here for others to enjoy. Great appreciation!
So is this really legit?
Awesome game btw
yes, it's legit, working, virus free
"YOU WOULDN'T DOWNLOAD A CAR HERP DERP" Anti-piracy is fucking retarded. Most people who pirate don't give a shit enough about the game to buy it in the first place. I know I wouldn't waste a dollar on games if I had to pay for them.
Yeah, people that download games wouldn't pay for them in the first place. You should be happy that your game is played and stop trying to make us feel bad.

At least the dev of this game got a lot of attention
@Arbiter89 > If this game is a piece of shit, why did you download it?

Also, yes, it contains the piracy "bug".
@manian112 Yeah right like im gonna pay for a game dev story ripoff...
I am going to comment a last time because most people commenting haven't even tried the game and or my torrent. Again, this game is the full, purchased, bugfree, retailversion from the latest date. I literally bought the game, they emailed me a link to an executable. I used that exact exe and turned it into this torrent. Nothing else. Won't be doing this favor anymore, horrible community no appreciation and only trolls in the comments. Have a nice day.

Patrick Klug the Dev for this game is an idiot. He uploads this game to TPB then screams in his blog post that 93% of his game was pirated - well duh Patrick, if you uploaded the damn game, that would be the case. Also did you know Patrick that 78% of statistics are made up? Yesterday I had 100 iPhones in my bedroom all boxed up, I then took them all out to the street, stacked them up nicely and left them - I came back an hour later and they were all gone. So basically if I didn't put all my phones on the street nothing would have been stolen.. see what I did there patrick?

Does the irony not hit you that you yourself stole this idea from the original "Game Dev Story" and now you have the nerve to shout about piracy?

Quite honestly this all just seems like a pathetic attention grab for more sales. Everytime a dev does something like this, it gets on Ars, The Verge and other online news outlets.

Anyone who wants a working version without the piracy message grab the game from here:
@Arbiter89 and that's why you're an asshole. Get off your allowance your mom gives you and help support this tiny developer. I bet you cry about EA and their practices then you refuse to help the individual dev with theirs.

I love the little kid piraters. You seriously need to be spanked and have your computer taken away.
Some real pieces of shit in here. If you're going to pirate a game, then do it. You can spare the rest of us your shit-spewing rants about how you're a noble rebel for pissing on a tiny two-man dev team.
To all of you who feel sorry for these sad motherfuckers in Greenheart Games - consider the fact that they stole the entire game concept, including graphics and sound, from Kairosoft's Game Dev Story from 2009. The assholes who made this didn't even change the name, just tagged on Tycoon instead of Story
@averagehuman / @JeKvvv : Well said both of you.
Works like a charm. No piracy messages apart from your lawyer asking you to Sue some pirates!! :D
At yr 40,G3 rating top,researched all,Billionaire!! yet to unlock 4 achievements. pretty addictive.
I am only downloading this game because I don't have the credit card to buy it. I will buy it today but later on.
You all should do the same. 8$ for this game is NOTHING.
Oh, wow, so much fucking drama around here. I found this game while browsing reddit and insta bought it.

I've played GD Story a lot and this is even better. To those saying GDT is just a GDS ripoff, please play GDS first. I know it's cool to be with a group or the other but please play both games before you open your mouth. They are both in the same fucking genre and while they do some thing almost the same way there are a ton of differences between them.

I watched a trailer, downloaded the demo and played 30 minutes and had to buy it. After starting a new game on the full version I literally sat on my chair for 14 hours playing this.
this one is a fake (anti piracy), pick up the ALIAS release
Game Dev Story is actually much better, and is like 1$
This is the REAL game without the "anti piracy" block. I did played it over 40 ingame years with couple of big games making me from 80-180 mil for each and there was no problem.
Stop calling this fake.
Thanks dubesor

I really like this game, but i am long time unemployed and penniless, so to at least do some effort, even tho i wont buy the game, i will make a Let's Try commented video for my friends, i am sure someone will buy it (maybe more than one).
Awesome torrent worked great, even more awesome game. I played this Game Dev Story and I gotta say, just the demo for GDT was so much more fun. No offense to people who like GDS, I just think this one's much more polished and better designed.
Excellente torrent, worked great, got to Y 25 after going bankrupt like five times in a row, then made a cheap ass game out of desperation and it got all 10 review scores and like 2 M in profit LOL. Anyways this game is amazing.
I honestly wouldn't give two shits about a crappy junk game like this. But when you troll the community and use statistics that YOU CAUSE as grounds to bitch and moan, you make more enemies than you convince. I'm usually in the market of piracy to try shit out WITHOUT bullshit restrictions at my own pace, to make an actual educated decision on if it's worth paying for or not. If it is not worth paying for, then I trash it. If it IS worth paying for then I actually do buy it! There are exceptions to the rule of course. I generally say fuck any big business developers, like adobe, Microsoft, EA, and so on, because they fuck their customers over enough that I don't feel a twinge of guilt at all repaying the favor in kind. Now, the same thing could be said about this shitty game which is a ripoff in of itself. I actually plan on pirating it when the real version of the game comes out, just out or principle. Anyone who intentionally fucks with people, deserves what is coming to them. Funny thing is, if you didn't pull this bullshit stunt, I might actually have been a paying customer instead.
This is a pretty fun little game, I never played "game dev story" so I don't have that to compare like others. Considering it was made by such a small team I chipped in $8 to show some support. I just don't understand the drama over an $8 game? I spend at least $15-$20 a day on just lunch, so $8 is dirt cheap. If you enjoyed the game and can't scrape up $8, idk, get a job maybe?
Mr dubesor, may piracy be good or bad, THE TRUTH IS THE TRUTH!!! What's up with all the excess accounts suggesting the idea of purchasing? I came here for I just became curious about the news of you publishing the torrents of your own game. You could have just done nothing and let this torrent spread and get your message across instead of dealing controversy in the comment section. By the way, is lying much of a lesser mistake than pirating?
I'd pay for things if I had the money to buy them. I live in a third-world country where cash is hard to get. My mother suffers from serious health problems and has a crappy job, I'm not allowed to work yet due to my age and we cannot simply ask for stuff on the street. Actually the only reason I still have Internet and a computer is because we all need it. I need it to socialise, since I'm very shy and don't talk to many people offline, and my mother uses the connection to read e-mails and post ads online.
Trust me, I'm very, very, upset and feel guilty about pirating. But I need things, and can not pay for them. I'd buy if I could. We have a bunch of taxes and fees for products here.
A brand new computer game, for example, costs more than a hundred. My mother makes $30 weekly. And that's if she even gets paid.
We're currently trying to get help from the government.
By the way, Game Dev Story was originally released in Japan 16 years ago. Though I'm not sure if it was translated. Never played it, though. Just commenting.
This game is pretty addictive, actually. I spent several days (without sleeping) playing it, and I got some good results.
I'll buy it when I have enough money, and they accept my currency.